
As the Grand Valley celebrates Colorado wine and the matching grant deadline for the 沃伦Winiarski Institute of Viticulture and Enology approaches, WCCC请求社区支持

“It truly takes a village to make the Colorado Mountain Winefest successful each year and many of us happen to be Mavericks,卡赛德·谢尔说, CMU alumna and executive director of Colorado Association for Viticulture & 酒艺(CAVE)和科罗拉多山葡萄酒节. pp电子极速糖果 and Western Colorado Community College faculty, students and alumni are involved in just about every aspect of the largest wine festival in the state, which was recently named The Best Wine Festival in the Nation by USA Today. 

该活动将于9月17日星期六举行 第七件事 今年,它已经卖完了. Shull说VIP票是第一个卖出去的,因为食物.

"Catering for the Winefest First Class Pass area provides culinary students with a unique experience we could not otherwise provide as part of their education,WCCC烹饪艺术副教授说, 韦恩·史密斯. “Students get the chance to experience offsite gourmet catering for 350 guests and they get to interact with attendees as they prepare food to order right in front of them. Year in and year out guests remark on the great food and the enthusiasm of the culinary students. That is a pretty remarkable achievement considering that half of the student population is in their fourth week in the culinary program at the time of the event." 

Lee LaNoue毕业于WCCC的葡萄栽培专业 & Enology Program in 2020, the same year as his family winery’s first harvest. LaNoue had been an amateur winemaker alongside his father since he was 8 years old. 由于施工延误,他们的品酒室在 LaNoue DuBois酒庄 在蒙特罗斯,他决定只上几堂酿酒课. “I wasn’t planning on completing a formal education in winemaking but once I started Jenne’s classes I knew there was no way I wanted to start a winery without learning all the in-depth chemistry and microbiology. 我投资了设备,在我自己的实验室里对我的葡萄酒进行分析. It’s hard to make the jump from the home winemaking experience to commercial. 如果没有这个项目,我就会迷失。. He greatly enjoys growing and working with cold-hearty French American hybrid grapes like Marechal Foch and Leon Millot.

“Colorado Mountain Winefest was by far the best event we’ve done and the most fun,” LaNoue said. “我注意到我们参加的所有活动, 千禧一代更愿意尝试新事物, 我们正在酿造非传统的葡萄酒. 如果他们和朋友聚会, they’re wanting to bring something new and exciting that no one else at the party has tried before.” 

“I just love seeing my students take what they learned to the next level. It’s so fun to see them get a job or start a winery in our community,” said Jenne Baldwin-Eaton who has been a winemaking instructor at WCCC since 2016. “我喜欢和我的学生保持联系. They call me for advice, or to invite me to taste their wines and I run into them at industry events. 这是生活在一个小社区的最好的部分之一.” 

Baldwin-Eaton retired last year, but her dedication to the program hasn’t wavered. 她对葡萄栽培充满希望 & 葡萄酒酿造学程序 will continue to grow and better serve the students and local wine industry for generations to come. 世界著名酿酒师, 沃伦Winiarski, whose Judgment of Paris event put California wines on the map in 1976 was also a winemaker in Colorado for two years before founding Stag’s Leap Winery in Napa. In 2021, he invested in the Colorado wine industry’s success by donating $100,000 to establish a scholarship fund and support program for WCCC’s Viticulture & 葡萄酒酿造学程序. Additionally, he pledged a $50,000 donation with a December 31 matching deadline. So far, Baldwin-Eaton has raised $25,000 toward the match and time is running out.  

最初的捐款使项目得以实现, 他给这个机构起了个绰号叫沃伦·维尼亚斯基, 杰拉德·万西葡萄栽培与酿酒研究所, 包括野火烟雾对葡萄影响的研究, 从松树峡谷大火开始, and working with new hybrid varieties of grapes that are being grown in the Grand Valley AVA due to phylloxera and our changing climate.  

沃伦的希望是为我们的教育行业注入资金, 研究与合作,鲍德温-伊顿说. “This is a tough time to ask wineries for money since they were hit so hard in the last couple of years by COVID and crop freezes so we really hope the larger community of Colorado wine lovers will contribute too.” 

如欲捐款,请浏览 supportingCMU.org/viticulture-and-enology-program. These funds will allow the program to upgrade from home winemaking equipment like carboys and tubing to commercial volume tanks, 一台机械压力机和升级的实验室设备. It will also expand future opportunities to grow more grape varieties and make more wine for research purposes. 

Baldwin-Eaton recently served as a judge in the Colorado Governor’s Cup wine competition and will be teaching a workshop on little-known grape varieties at this year’s Winefest.  

Fisher’s Liquor Barn is the title sponsor of the event and Owner Brandi Pollock is a CMU alumna. “I’m so proud to be a part of pp电子极速糖果 as a former Mav Club Board Member, a current President Advisory Board Member and a donor to athletics and scholarship funds — and so proud of the Mavericks making Winefest great,波洛克说. “The Colorado Mountain Winefest has long been a beneficial event bringing Colorado Winemakers together to share their wines with visitors from all over. At Fisher’s we have the privilege of highlighting these wines year-round. We are excited to be at The Colorado Mountain Winefest and welcome wine and food enthusiasts!” 


汉娜·奥德尼尔(Hannah Odneal)撰写